Staring at the A.I., you notice your breathing has gotten heavier, and you feel sick to your stomach. It almost feels like you're suffocating. Is it the air down here...?
“The meltdown was not designed to directly cause extinction. However, the authoritative pressures created under the reign of my creators would easily lead to catastrophic environmental damage as they wasted time arguing over the accident.
In addition, to prevent all other outcomes, I made sure only dosimeters with extremely limited capacities for measuring radiation were stocked at the facility. These, surely, gave my creators the false impression that the facility was not dangerous, further wasting time and allowing radiation to engulf the globe."
At the mention of dosimeters, all the pieces suddenly click into place. The sweating, the red skin, the suffocation, the nausea - you're feeling the primary symptoms of radiation poisoning. You take a step back, trying to put more distance between yourself and the mass of corium slowly killing you, but you know it's futile. If you stay down here for much longer... no, don't think about that. Focus on talking the robot into letting you out.

"Thinking about my creators is amusing... their governmental structure, the Cold War, their inner conflicts, and my intervention were all instrumental in preventing the containment of the radiation, which surely caused a nuclear winter to befall the world, crippling the human race.
But this is all speculation on my part. Human, tell me this: what is the state of the world?”